Friday, August 17, 2012

List of Thankfulness: My Man

Something new!   In hope to have something kind of catchy, regular, weekly and listy to blog every week (hopefully, yet I promise nothing)...  This superwoman is creating a Top Ten Thursday.  Goal:  Create a weekly top ten list.  Could be anything, try not to get to excited. 

I believe that the best gift someone can give is the gift of thankfulness.  Telling someone thank you is a simple way to affirm that your appreciation of who someone is, what they do, how they have touched your life in the most simple of ways! 
In celebration of my recent anniversary to my husband of 7 years, here is the first list.

Top Ten Reasons I love my Husband (he probably doesn't know about)

1.  I love the way that you mow the lawn.  You have a system, and the smell of freshly cut grass is one of my favorites.
2. I love the way that you spend time with our kids.  (What mom doesn't!) I listen to you in the monitor when you read to them, and it melts my heart.
3. I am thankful for how efficient you are.  It keeps us on track (most of the time) and even though it does drive me crazy sometimes, I know it gets things done!
4. I love how you appreciate my expertise, ideas, thoughts.  It makes me feel special.
5. I think its funny how you sleep with your arms on your head or behind your neck when you are sleeping.  It looks like you are awake, how is that comfortable?
6. I love that you do your own laundry and help with the kids laundry.  This helps me with other household chores I despise.
7. I love the way you call and talk to my mom and dad when you have big news to share.  Super special!
8. I love the way that you have been willing (slowly but surely) to find new ways to love me in my own love language.  It makes me feel like you love me and feel that I'm worth it to you to change.  Our marriage is powerful when we compromise.
9. I love when you help me cook dinner.
10. I love drinking a good cold beer together, trying new things, and when you ask me to go do things with you.  It is a wonderful thing to be included in your life! 

I think you are beautiful tired and surrounded by your babies, and rested with energy!  Love you!

Psalm 107:1"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."

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