Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Little Bit

Just a little bit of an update...

Dear Blog,
It's been too long. 
I have a problem, when life get super busy, some things fall to the side. 
Also, if you would like to buy me a new lap top (MacBook Air, I need you back).  Then I promise I'll be able to write more often.
                    Love, Courtney

Christmas CHECK... we survived and it was good.  My favorite things were seeing the joy on my kids faces.  Shopping online with Nate has he knew exactly which powerranger nonsense he wanted. Watching Nola enjoy her new babies, which she initially named Baby Bottle and then Finn.  Finn is a girl, and she sleeps ALL the time.

January came and went!  My amazing husband works full time at Sears now and watches Nate and Nola three days a week!  It is the MOST amazing thing to feel like we have more of partnership than we did before!  I'm loving it, and praying that he continues to love it.  I know that some days are slow at Sears... and it is retail life.  Those things make it challenging.  I also find it challenging that I have to create breaks differently than I did before.  Weekends, he works, which means its me and the kids all weekend together. 

February... Month of loving those around you!!  I loved myself well, 7 lbs lighter, and feeling great!  Still focused on losing more!  I've signed up to run/walk the Charleston Bridge run with some new friends from school, AND I'm on day 40 of my #fitnessblender workout challenge for busy people. 

I am 34 years old.  I am so ready to make this body of mine stronger and do what I'm telling it to do!

My word this year is simplify.  My choices are to simplify.  Make things more streamline, EVERY food, EVERY event, EVERY moment, EVERY chore needs to be easier, make more sense, and run smoother.  To bring peace to my home and heart :) 

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