Sunday, August 24, 2014

10 Things I Would Say to My First Year Teacher Self

This maybe the fastest week of my life...





The multi tasking has begun. Mommy and school lives are united, much to my dismay.

Once again we get ready to conquer the new school year, and become imbedded in the lives of our students.  I was thinking what would I say to my first year teacher self...

1. Take care of yourself first.  Eat right, drink enough water, sleep, watch your shows, go for a walk. You have to give back to yourself in order to be selfless all day long.

2.  Do not take it personally.  Administration will make choices without consulting you, parents will hurt your feelings, students will be disrespectful and rude... it's not personal.  You are just an easy target, because you are in the line of fire.  It's not about you or your teaching abilities, it's about them and how simple it is for them to mad at you.

3. Multi task all day long, take working breaks, working lunches,  check papers when your kids are working... but do not take work home with you.  That is your sacred time, protect it, the work will be there tomorrow...

4.  Take a treat with you to school.  Preferable chocolate.  Absolutely coffee.

5. Do not be snappy to others at work, we are not your husband.  Be aware of your tone of voice, we are not your students.  Open your eyes to your surroundings, you are not the only person in the room.

6.  Laugh with your students, share your real self with them.   They can sense a fake person... and your real life stories may never make sense to them, but the fact that you trusted them with something personal will build respect and with respect, learning.

7. Do not talk about school with your friends... talk about celebrities, music, movies, Orange is the New Black... no school talk.

8. Do not make your significant other talk about your students all the time. Unless they are a teacher, they will never get it.

9. You are a good mom even though you feel spread thin.  It is beautiful for your babies to know that other people love them a lot.  No one will ever replace you, you are their mommy.

10.  Have dance parties in your car, in your classroom, and definitely in the kitchen.

Cheers friends.  Remember the rule for the first week back... get them in, get them fed, and get them home... safely. Do not stress about the rest.

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