Saturday, January 12, 2013

List of Thankfulness: Post Holidays

RELIEF the holiday season is once again over, and all the insane tornado blitz has died down. 

I am thankful.

Since we got married (7 years ago) the holidays have taken on a whole world of stress.  Juggling two families, part of us in NY, part in SC, and us (non-travelling, retail working NC). Then two kids, and a working mommy who needs a break and hates to travel, who longs for coffee at her own kitchen table on Christmas morning. 

This year, none of that mattered.  I wish I could have been worrying about that.  I would have given my heart to not have seen what I saw, to not have felt what I felt, to not have lived what I lived. 

I don't know what most people know about pneumonia- I was clueless.  It is one of the most painful, intense, terrifying illnesses.  The hospital admitted my sister with pneumonia, and our family vigilantly sat by her side as she fought to heal her lungs of hateful fluids.  I am blessed to sing songs of joy, that she was able to heal, that the doctors worked so hard, and that she made it home to be with her family.

Our holiday 2012, was awful.  I am glad we get a redo next year, but I'll take Valentine's Day first.

I am thankful, most literally, for life.  For a sister's fighting spirit. For a family of prayer warriors, and smarts to ask the right questions. For doctors who love their patients. For a jolt in the gut- life is fragile.

I am thankful for my 1 minute hugs.  I randomly started hugging my hubby 1 minute every day, a week ago.  He is so awful at these things, ha.  Which is why I do it.  I forgot one day, when we got home from work.  When he asked about it, I was shocked.  Something small can help to make changes.  A little old hug, can help to connect you when the world feels swirling, curling, diving, inside of you.

I am thankful for my new friends.  They bare their souls, embarrassing things, things that usually you would share after years of friendship.  I cherish the truth, the honesty, the faith and trust that is given in that moment.

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