Saturday, July 26, 2014

My Steps for Using

The dating website for caretakers and families is And- I love it. When I'm in a worriesome circumstance, in search of the best caretaker for my children in my price range- that is a double whammy. 

I mean, who else loves them enough to hear LET IT GO! A trabillion times a day. 

You must be a special angel. I have to find you. 

What the family can do: for 35$ in one month. I do not renew after the first month. 

Create your families profile, include a picture!!! Of everyone if you can! Including your husband, especially if he is morning duty or evening duty. Share something personal, details about kids ages and maybe what they love. 

Then you post a job. When you post your job, do not be vague. Lay it all out there. We are looking for someone to help with after school pick up and getting kids safely off the bus. I pay $175 a week. (Even thought it tells you to click a pay range, I pay by the week... So I'm very specific). Make sure you check your non-negotiables. Must have transportation, non smoking, likes pets etc... Post your job. Wait. You will get apllicants. My first posting I got 24 and just this week I had 19 applicants. 

While you wait, look in your zip code for people who are care givers in your area. 
Message them, hi! I like your profile, please check out my job! If you add the app to your phone, it allows you to send your job to a caregiver. 

This next step is interviewing. Interview anyone you think has potential. I prefer they come to my home. 1) they see where they will be working, determine if they are comfortable, watch how your kids interview them. If I had older kids I might have them ask some question too. With N&N I watch and see if they engage at all, high fives, playing on the floor... With Kim, my littles were in her lap the first time we met. I was sold. And she is a dear part of our lives now. 2) I meet for coffee. So we know that everyone is safe. I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable. Then you will have to come to my house the next time if I like you. I have had 10 interviews before. This time around I had 5 interviews set up, 3 showed up. 2 I liked. 1 Nola approved of and Nate was sleeping. There was my answer. 

Be open. Be yourself. Tell them what their time with you will look like, where is the bus stop, what times you will need them, your expectations and needs. Can they eat your food? Do you like to provide drinks for them? Diet Coke was Kim's favorite. I tried to keep it stalked. Let them ask questions... Talk about discipline, time out, how you talk through problems with your kids. Be funny. Offer a drink. Shake hands. 

Thank them for coming. Ask them if they are interested in being a back up if you needed a second person.  Tell them you are still interviewing and you will email them your decision either way. 

This is a great tool! Hopefully you will find some great people to help you! 

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